Workshop series to accelerate Scope 3 emission reductions

The Combient network companies are increasingly ambitious when it comes to value chain decarbonization: about 4/5 of the network’s industrial companies have set Scope 3 emission reduction goals. Of these companies, most have set goals for some of their upstream emission categories. Almost 2/3 have also set goals for emissions caused by the use of sold products.*

Understanding that there are multiple challenges that companies face related to Scope 3 emission reduction, we at Combient Pure want to support Combient companies in accelerating their Scope 3 work. We especially want to help activate all relevant functions and departments inside the organizations in this work. 

We invite you to join our Scope 3 Decarbonization Accelerator to fast-forward your value chain emission reduction work together with other Combient companies!  

A free peer-to-peer learning accelerator to support Scope 3 emission reduction work among Combient companies. Participating companies can start with a light Scope 3 maturity assessment to support the work.

October 2024 – June 2025
Hybrid workshops in Stockholm or Helsinki.

In the accelerator, Combient companies will explore four different modules. Each module consists of one workshop and survey, targeted to specific functions within the organization. The modules and their intended audiences are:

1. Scope 3 emission related regulation - October 8, 2024 in Helsinki and online - Sign up here (for Combient companies only)

  • Existing and upcoming Scope 3 related regulatory requirements and implications for companies.

  • Intended for: Business development, Finance, IT, Operations, Procurement

2. Scope 3 emission data collection and management - November 26, 2024 in Stockholm and online - Sign up here (for Combient companies only)

  • Different approaches for value chain emission data management.

  • Intended for: IT, Operations, Procurement, Sustainability

3. Supplier and customer emission reduction

  • Best practices for supplier and customer collaboration and co-innovation.

  • Intended for: Business development, R&D, Procurement, Sales, Sustainability

4. Scope 3 decarbonization business impact

  • The wider business and financial impacts of value chain decarbonization.

  • Intended for: Business development, Strategy, Sustainability


  • Peer-to-peer sharing on Scope 3 related challenges and opportunities between Combient companies

  • Learn from leading experts on state-of- the-art Scope 3 practices to take to your own organization

  • Engage your wider organization into Scope 3 work

For more information on the Scope 3 Decarbonization Accelerator, please contact, we would be happy to tell you more!

* Source: Combient Pure’s State of Value Chain Decarbonization Survey 2024 

Anna Pakkala


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