The Nordic Circularity Piloting Program kicks off with the first Value Chain Session on February 13th, Circularity in Technical Building Equipment: Current State and Opportunities!
The first session provides an overview of circularity in technical building equipment, focusing on the current state and emerging opportunities. Participants will gain insights from industry cases and hear from companies actively engaged in the circular economy. The hybrid session will take place onsite in Stockholm at the Combient office (Vasagatan 12) and online via Teams.
Agenda (CET)
9.00 Welcome & Introduction to the Program, Combient Pure,
9.30 State of circularity & circularity in the construction industry in the Nordics, Sofia Sundström, Circular Transition Officer, Cradlenet
9.50 Circularity in technical installations, Ulla Janson, Senior Lecturer, Installation and Air Conditioning Engineering, Lund University
10.55 Vision and emerging opportunities in circularity, Malin Belfrage, Senior Project Manager Sustainability, Vasakronan
11.20 Circularity calls for new cooperations, Mikael Börjesson, Director Sustainability and External Relation & Caroline Jacobsson, Key Account Manager, Swegon
11.45 Closing Words & Next Steps, Combient Pure
12.00-13.00 Lunch, onsite at Vasagatan 12
Matchmaking (onsite only):
13.00-14.00 Companies pitching
14.00-15.00 Speed dating between companies
15.00 End of the Session